In today’s market, customers’ expectation for property management has been much higher. This industry has become a specific area of professional services that should deliver quality, efficient and all-round management for both residential and commercial properties. Yet many practitioners face the challenge of reorganizing the way of handling and circulating numerous documents of varied types in day to day operation. Intelligent data capture can help the property management companies to streamline filing by minimizing costly and error-prone manual work of digital conversion, and efficiently compile bills, summaries, reports, etc.

VitalCapture, VitalDoc and VitalFlow
With VitalCapture, VitalDoc and VitalFlow adopted in property management companies, large volume of day to day, scheduled or ad-hoc documents from various sources and formats are systematically classified and automatically captured into streamlined libraries of various service scopes. They are not only digitally stored for a sustainable practice of record keeping, but also turned into valuable extracted data that is ready for automated compilation of tenant bills and summaries, easier analysis of maintenance resource allocation, etc. This helps property managers to simplify daily operations and makes management of multiple properties easier and more efficient.

Tenant Accounts Payable (AP)
VitalCapture and VitalFlow capture and validate incoming bills and invoices for each tenant in serviced apartments, offices, malls, etc. with intelligent extraction of needed data through pre-defined rules, kick-starting the approval workflow and automating compilation of summaries and reports for further operational processing.
Processing Service Request Forms
Key information on service request forms, invoices & receipts and other supporting documents can be automatically extracted by VitalCapture. Important records are filed securely on VitalDoc, which enables smart searching and retrieval by the organization’s authorized personnel, such as customer services staff for timely response.
Secure Data Repository for Lease Documents
VitalCapture indexes leasing agreements and other important supporting documents between landlords and tenants in a central repository with well controlled access and high searchability. Important data is now instantly ready and retrievable on VitalDoc, which empowers documentation with promising enterprise-grade system security, providing user access control from folder to file level with AES 256-bit encryption for data at rest.

Project and Procurement Process Automation
For large maintenance and repair projects, VitalFlow allows users to define and configure business workflows by easy drag-and-drop, while automating complex internal review and approval tasks in different teams and departments based on pre-defined criteria. It also provides email alerts & SMS notifications and the web-service API for integration with other internal and external systems, empowering efficient handling and coordination among different parties.
Check out our customers fulfilling their operational needs with VITOVA's industry-driven data management solutions.

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Simply make a request to know how to leverage VITOVA in your Property Management operations:

Level 10, Cyberport 2
100 Cyberport Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2503 8000
Fax: (852) 2503 8404